In a recent survey in Dhanbad district, a highly dangerous black snake was discovered while burrowing in the ground.

This is the first known case of such a snake being found in the area.
The discovery of this snake has raised suspicions among locals about the presence of other ⱱeпomoᴜѕ creatures in the region.
It is important for people in the area to be aware of the threats posed by these snakes and take appropriate precautions to protect themselves.
The black snake is known for its rough nature and toughness, which can be fatal to humans.

It is important for people in the area to understand the harm associated with encountering this type of snake and to know what steps to take in the event of a bite.

Experts suggest that people in the region should avoid venturing into areas where snakes are likely to be found, such as tall grasses, bushes, and wooded areas. Also, people should be careful while walking in the evening or at night, as snakes are most active during these times.