I pray for my child who was born with a face resembling that of a devil, seeking divine intervention to guide them away from suffering and abandonment. Amen.ThanhSinh

In the depths of night, I kneel beside the crib,
My heart heavy with a burden few could comprehend.
For in this cradle lies my child, my flesh and blood,
Born with a visage that strikes fear in the hearts of many.

Oh Lord, I come to You with trembling hands and tear-stained cheeks,
Seeking Your divine grace for this innocent soul.
My child, whose face bears an uncanny resemblance to what many call devilish,
Is but a pure spirit, untouched by the cruelty of this world.

I pray, Almighty Father, that You shield my child from the harsh judgments,
The cruel whispers, and the averted gazes of those who cannot see beyond appearances.
Grant my little one the strength to weather the storms of prejudice,
And the courage to face a world that may recoil at first glance.

Lord, I beseech You to soften the hearts of those who would shun my child,
To open their eyes to the beauty that lies beneath the surface.
For is it not You who taught us that true worth is measured by the soul,
Not by the fleeting impressions of mortal flesh?

I pray for Your guiding hand to lead my child away from the path of suffering,
To steer this precious life towards acceptance, love, and understanding.
May You bestow upon my child the wisdom to know that their worth
Is not determined by the reflection in the mirror, but by the light in their heart.

Merciful God, I implore You to protect my child from abandonment,
From the cold indifference of a society quick to cast aside the different.
Let Your love envelop this small being, a testament to Your creation,
And show the world that even in perceived imperfection, there is divine perfection.

Grant me, O Lord, the patience and strength to be the unwavering support,
The constant source of love and acceptance that my child will need.
Help me to see always with the eyes of a parent’s love,
To cherish and nurture the beautiful soul You have entrusted to my care.

I pray for a future where my child’s unique appearance becomes a symbol of Your diversity,
A living reminder that Your creation knows no bounds of convention or expectation.
May this face that some call devilish become a beacon of Your love,
Challenging others to look deeper and find the angel within.

Lord, I ask for Your miracle – not to change my child’s appearance,
But to change the hearts and minds of those who would judge too quickly.
Let Your light shine through my child’s eyes, Your love radiate from their smile,
So that all who encounter them may see the divine spark that resides in us all.

And if it be Your will, Almighty Father, that my child must face hardships,
I pray for the resilience to turn trials into triumphs, pain into purpose.
May this journey forge a spirit of unbreakable strength and boundless compassion,
A testament to Your power to create beauty from what others perceive as flaws.

In Your infinite wisdom, You have given me this child, this precious gift.
I thank You for entrusting me with such a profound responsibility.
Guide me, Lord, in raising this child to be a beacon of Your love,
A living example that Your grace extends to all, regardless of appearance.

As I lay my fears and hopes at Your feet, I pray for peace in my heart,
For the serenity to accept what I cannot change, and the courage to change what I can.
Wrap Your loving arms around my child, dear God, and whisper Your promises,
That they are loved, they are worthy, they are beautifully and wonderfully made.

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