For my child, born with challenging features, I pray daily for divine mercy and acceptance, seeking to alleviate their suffering.ThanhSinh

In the stillness of each dawn, I kneel,
My heart heavy with a burden few can comprehend.
For my child, my flesh and blood, my deepest love,
Was born into this world with features that challenge the eye.

Oh, Divine One, hear my fervent plea,
As I come before You, day after day, without cease.
My child, innocent and pure of heart,
Bears a face that draws stares and whispers.

I remember the day of their birth,
Joy mingled with shock, love tangled with fear.
The doctors’ hushed tones, the nurses’ averted gazes,
As my child, beautiful to me, was deemed different by the world.

Now, as seasons pass and years unfold,
I witness my child’s daily struggles, their silent pain.
The cruel words of children, the uncomfortable glances of adults,
The constant battle to find acceptance in a world obsessed with perfection.

Divine Mercy, I implore You,
Rain down Your compassion upon my child.
Let Your love be a balm to their wounded spirit,
Your acceptance a shield against the world’s harsh judgment.

In the playground, where laughter should ring,
My child stands alone, an island in a sea of normalcy.
I pray for friends to see beyond the surface,
To recognize the gentle soul that resides within.

At night, I hear muffled sobs from their room,
And my heart shatters anew with each tear shed.
I long to take away their pain, to bear it myself,
But I am powerless against the cruelty of fate.

Yet, in moments of despair, I see glimpses of hope,
In the kindness of a stranger, the understanding of a teacher.
I pray these moments multiply, that acceptance grows,
Until my child can walk tall, unashamed of their unique visage.

Divine One, I ask not for a miracle of transformation,
But for a miracle of the heart – for the world to change its gaze.
Help others see what I see: a beautiful soul,
Worthy of love, respect, and boundless opportunities.

Grant my child strength, oh Merciful One,
To face each day with courage and grace.
Let their spirit remain unbroken,
Their heart filled with Your divine love.

I pray for a future where difference is celebrated,
Where Your diverse creation is honored in all its forms.
Where my child can thrive, not just survive,
Finding joy, purpose, and belonging.

In the face of suffering, be their comfort,
In moments of loneliness, be their companion.
When the world turns away, let Your presence be felt,
A constant reminder that they are cherished and valued.

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