The American New York Post published the future predictions of Baba Vanga, the famous female prophet known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans.”
Previously, 85% of this prophet’s predictions came true.
Below are Ms. Vanga’s predictions about the future from 2016 onwards.
2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe. The invasion would last for many years, causing the European population to gradually disappear and the entire continent to become a dead land.
2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (no one yet understands what this means).

2025: Europe’s population will drop to nearly zero.
2028: Humans will go to Venus to find new energy source+
2033: Sea levels will rise and the polar ice caps will melt (this is actually happening)
2043: Europe becomes an Islamic state, with Rome as its capital. The world economy develops thanks to Islamic rule.
2066: Americans use a climate-changing weapon for the first time to reclaim Rome and restore Christianity.
Year 2076: Communism returns to Europe and the rest of the world.
Year 2100: An artificial Sun illuminates the part of the Earth in darkness (this is also becoming possible, because scientists are finding ways to create an artificial Sun using nuclear technology).
2084: Nature is reborn (no one is sure what this means yet)

Year 2130: Thanks to the help of aliens, Earth’s civilization will move underwater.
Year 2170: A major global drought
Year 2187: Two major volcanic eruptions were successfully prevented.
Year 2201: Earth’s temperature drops due to slowing solar activity
Year 2262: Planetary orbits gradually change. Mars will be threatened by a comet
2354: A malfunction of the artificial Sun causes more droughts
Year 2480: Two artificial Suns will collide and plunge the Earth into darkness.

Year 3005: A war on Mars will change the planet’s orbit.
Year 3010: Comet will hit the Moon. Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rocks and dust
Year 3797: Everything on Earth perishes. However, human science and technology have developed enough to move to another star system./.