The main character of this story is a tree snake (scientific name Boiga dendrophila) with a distinctive black head with a bright yellow background that is quite eye-catching. The body has many small yellow stripes alternating with black segments.

The tree snake went from hunter to prey in an instant.
From the very beginning of the clip, the fence snake plays the role of a predator, slipping through layers of tree branches to catch a nearby bird. But it doesn’t know that another, much more terrifying hunter is watching its every activity.
Unfortunately for the snake on the tree fence, just as it was about to reach it, the bird seemed to sense something so it flapped its wings and flew away. At the same time, another dangerous enemy of the tree snake, the king cobra, decided to act.
And with just one perfect bite, the king cobra defeated the tree fence snake. The terrifying bite contains venom belonging to the group of neurotoxins, the main ingredient of which is haditoxin, which will immediately attack the victim’s central nervous system, rendering it unable to react and then gradually being swallowed.
From predator, the tree snake suddenly became prey.

The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world.
Native to Asia and often found in the forests of India and Southeast Asia, the king cobra is the most venomous snake in the world. King cobras can reach a length of 5.6 m, making them the longest venomous snakes.
The venom of king cobras is not the strongest among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can secrete in one bite is up to two-tenths enough to kill 20 people, or even an elephant.
The king cobra is an active hunter, but it is feared because it often eats its own kind. According to research by biologists, 1/3 of a cobra’s diet is from its own species.