Snakes are known for swallowing their prey whole, but this unfortunate little snake’s luck seems to have changed.

Photographer Julie-Anne O’Neill claimed credit for the image in a Google+ post in November 2016.
She wrote there that this image of an Australian green tree frog eating a brown snake was taken at night with a Canon EOS 550D.
However, as the image had already been seen on the internet before it was published, his claim cannot be confirmed. O’Neill adds:
“Before the capture, I had been led to believe that they only ate insects. The Australian brown snake is very huge. Although the snake had bitten the frog, as you will see if you enlarge the photo, the frog survived. However, it was not such a happy ending for the snake…”

In fact, the expression on the snake’s face is comparable to that of the fish photographed inside a jellyfish, for whom the end was probably not happy either.